Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Results] Official Graphics Battles [Last Updated: 10/06]
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If anyone is willing to help me update this thread, 200 E-Pigs await.

Thanks diego!
No need to pay me.
orly? Free service, eh?

Cool beans!
Yeah. Besides I always give my E-Pigs away.
Needs to be updated......I would but I have no mod powers.....
MehHakker Wrote:Needs to be updated......I would but I have no mod powers.....

how did that horse sig lose to that anime sig O_o
i will update it soon im too wasted :)
cor3 Wrote:how did that horse sig lose to that anime sig O_o

I don't know.

My thought is it's because anime rules this forum. However I do not watch anime.

Thanks for saying that about my sig :D
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