holy fudgeing spoon. how does i bypass wordfilter?
metalgear08 Wrote:holy fudgeing spoon. how does i bypass wordfilter?
don't you fucking know how to bypass the wordfilter?
u_c_taker Wrote:0_o even kaiser knows
don't you fucking know how to bypass the wordfilter neither?
damn... its easy... but i won't tell kekeke ^_^
eggroll Wrote:this really makes me want to eat a fudgeing artichoke...
Yea with some mother fucking rolls saturated in mother fucking butter.
LaneLander Wrote:eggroll Wrote:this really makes me want to eat a fudgeing artichoke...
Yea with some mother fucking rolls saturated in fucking butter.
i don't like artichokes though
They have the best mother fucking rolls saturated in fucking butter along with mother fucking Stuffed Artichokes at Genos East.
OH MY Just checked the Genos menu and they are both GONE!!!! Now I have a taste for it.
Looks like I will have to Cook.