Endless Paradigm

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double you tee eff.
holy fudgeing spoon. how does i bypass wordfilter?
metalgear08 Wrote:holy fudgeing spoon. how does i bypass wordfilter?

don't you f​​uc​​king know how to bypass the wordfilter?
0_o even kaiser knows
u_c_taker Wrote:0_o even kaiser knows

don't you f​​uc​​king know how to bypass the wordfilter neither?

damn... its easy... but i won't tell kekeke ^_^
eggroll Wrote:this really makes me want to eat a fudgeing artichoke...

Yea with some mother f​​uc​​king rolls saturated in mother f​​uc​​king butter.
LaneLander Wrote:
eggroll Wrote:this really makes me want to eat a fudgeing artichoke...

Yea with some mother f​​uc​​king rolls saturated in f​​uc​​king butter.


i don't like artichokes though

They have the best mother f​​uc​​king rolls saturated in f​​uc​​king butter along with mother f​​uc​​king  Stuffed Artichokes at Genos East.
OH MY Just checked the Genos menu and they are both GONE!!!! Now I have a taste for it.

Looks like I will have to Cook.
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