Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Diego's Sig Tutorial
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Pages: 1 2 3
thanks for the comments everyone,
good tut
thanks for posting diego
Great tut, I'll try making a sig with it later :great:
Great tut diego.
Definitely Gonna Try This Out :D Thanks Diego :D
damnit.. i need c4d for the effects.. T__T

yeah  you can get C4Ds at planetrenders.net/
nice tip bro diego I'm inspired!
thanks for this diego..... I've been trying to learn for ages....

(by the way... how do you make c4d images? which program?)
andrewcc Wrote:thanks for this diego..... I've been trying to learn for ages....

(by the way... how do you make c4d images? which program?)

Um C4D.......that's the name of the program lol :P
Pages: 1 2 3
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