Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3 4
Used a stock. Nothing really extravagant here. The stock was so beautiful I thought, "This doesn't need any thing more". But this took like 10+ layers. Gaussian blurs and curves.
I like it, the depth the text :wink:
Thanks man. I'm not anywhere near your level of WIN, but I'm getting there :wink2:
no really this is VERY GOOD.

i am not as WIN as you think.
in another forum I am only classed as a  'moderate'
and the classes are


but I havent been classed in awhile.
Very nice, :great:
Thanks, hibby.
it is cool:)
that indeed is beautiful
good job :great:
Fontaine de Jouvance?
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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