Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW#18--Mario bros
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[Image: chainchompnr7.png]


It's sucks, but....:(

Gonna make one later.
My entry,.

[Image: f_SoTWmariom_7756910.png]


Here's mine.

[Image: SOTW18.png]


added img tags to your code vegatano1 :D
great entries Exbu and vegetano1
wow there r some awsome entries this week
dang exbu you used the exact render i was going to use
good thing i changed my mind at the last second :he:

will post my entry after i edited a bit more
i love v1 entry! its awesome

[s]nice entries, and nocturnal, I edited you post to add code tags.

you have about 12-12 1/2 hours to enter.[/s]
that's it O_O

are you sure?

i need to go get my laptop
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