Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSP Underclocker for 3.71M33
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From QJ

Quote:PSP Homebrew Developer Shibisukee has come out with a plugin for CFW 3.71 M33 that allows you to turn off the screen and underclock your unit when you put it on hold. Very useful for when you use your PSP a lot to listen to music.

Chibisukee had in fact made the homebrew for that purpose:

I use it cause i don't like turning off the screen and underclocking via vsh menu when i put my psp on hold for musics

The plugin can underclock the unit to 60mhz.
Just activate the plugin and it runs automatically.

[Image: dl.gif]

now i can finally underclock my psp and play my tracks with the screen off without clock speed resettig
Reminds me on the 1.5 days
I was hoping someone would make a plugin for this exact purpose.

I just hope I can put the PSP in sleep mode after I do it. [couldn't when I used the VSH menu]
|-Anubis-| Wrote:I was hoping someone would make a plugin for this exact purpose.

I just hope I can put the PSP in sleep mode after I do it. [couldn't when I used the VSH menu]

I don't understand what you mean exactly. Can't this plugin be used if VSH Menu is enabled?
No its a problem completely unrelated to this plugin.

Whenever I used the VSHmenu to underclock and then turned off the screen, the CPU speed would reset and I would be unable to reset the PSP in anyway including the VSH menu and the slide switch.

I would have to hold the slideswitch up to turn the PSP off completely to fix it.

And even with this plugin I have the same problem...
I found the VSH menu quite unreliable.  A lot of the time, it wouldn't even change the clock speed to what it said (I'm pretty sure the XMB lags on 20MHz...)

vshex was always a lot more accurate.  Shame that it doesn't work on 3.3x and beyond.
this is nice.. now wheres my headphones...
YES!!! thanks
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