Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.80 PsarDumper + KL4E/KL3E decompressor
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A new PsarDumper with KL4E/KL3E decompressor has been released for 3.80 firmware. The app is reportedly from _HellDashX_ but users are warned before using it as no readme or changelog was provided in the archive.

Make sure you give give your thanks to Coolj and Ketchup for making this release available through their website.
Thanks for the info Matchung.
u will not see the details on screen now, all go to log file in MS ;)
what's this for again? ... been a long time since i last used a psar dumper
Sweet, thanks for posting matchung

I know ORGAN will be happy this is out.....he has been waiting
yes this dose make a $hity day a little better

I'll play with the prx's & rco's win i find the time
Thanks for the info matchung :great:
linky's dead!!!!
How does it work i tried it does`nt work  Give me steps please
Fekade Wrote:How does it work i tried it does`nt work  Give me steps please

I'll save you some work

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