Endless Paradigm

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Oh shi- goodbye Hibby!
Poor hibby...
E-pigs are nothing but trouble.
stickied this thread for fun
lol. :D
This should be in the Other News since it's so important... :P
hibbyware Wrote:
metalgear08 Wrote:I say for his punishment all of his EPigs should be transferred over to me. That'll teach him ;)

I don't even want my E-Pigs,

I only want 750 E-Pigs that are being donated to the wipeout pulse comp,

Can I have them? :D :D :D
hmmm he might have just got eXx1l3d from myplaza

no wonder squeee wanted to sticky this he was using this epig scam
i see also a mod abuse this too, tisk tisk tisk, i think the mod in question should be demodded

Then how come his name is "eXx1l3d"? Custom name or whatever it's called.
oh snap it didnt say that a minute ago

check this out

[Image: cheaters.jpg]
becasue he wasn't eXx1l3d

oh darn still 2nd from the bottom
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