Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW#17--VOTING
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voted kaiser
diego's entry was also good
rikku's entry was good as well but it somehow dosent seem to be very related to the theme
i voted v1 for his first entry  (i think)
Thanks shady but i enter every week,.. well i try,..

Not sure whot to vote for this week,.
Voted for tigerfan.
Looks like diego is gonna take the victory again...can somebody stop that guy? :penguin:
meh im wonderig why i only have only 1 vote and who voted for me

cmon mine looks epic

meh made from scratch diego used a stock image

will make my vote midnight
ur entry is very good as well squee
hmmm i see someone was messing with the poll

actually squeee i didnt see how a cloud fit into space theme, but maybe that's why, but someone random voted for you someone who only has 9 post here at ep :he:
Why is this still here? :P

/unstickied and locked.
cool I won.
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