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Full Version: [Update] XviD4PSP 5.027 RC8
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XviD4PSP 5.027 RC8
[Image: winnydows-xvid4psp-psp_qjgenth.jpg?363864]
Developer Winnydows is busy churning out updates this holiday season, making sure that the community has something to look forward to amidst the festivities.

As a matter of fact, the coder has rolled out the 5.027 RC8 version of XviD4PSP. For the uninitiated, XviD4PSP is a video converter application for the Sony PlayStation Portable.

Here's the complete changelog for this release as provided by Winnydows:

    * Fixed muxing to MKV.
    * Fixed load autovolume and autodeinterlace settings.
    * Added FractalDenoising LS and FractalDenoising 3D LS - do LimitedSharpen after denoising. FractalDenoising LS - one best filtering modes now.
    * Interlace detection a little bit longer now, but more accurate.

Take note that Xvid4PSP requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 to run. Be sure that you know exactly what you're doing in using this program..

- Source: [QJ.net]

Great Program!!
Vegetano1 Wrote:Thanks!!

Great Program!!
yes it is, using it frm first release:D
lol but it needs .net3 so im not gonna get this now
but it is still a great program n i am using a slightly older verion of it
Cool !! :D Great Program Keep Up The Good Work Winnydows :D
This is a great program.
The only video converter i use.
Aww, no updated x264.  I download this to 'borrow' Winnydows' builds of x264 =P
u_c_taker Wrote:lol but it needs .net3 so im not gonna get this now
but it is still a great program n i am using a slightly older verion of it

but this has 3 pass encoding and with that you can get good quality video at low bit rates.. its worth it
Azumi Wrote:
u_c_taker Wrote:lol but it needs .net3 so im not gonna get this now
but it is still a great program n i am using a slightly older verion of it

but this has 3 pass encoding and with that you can get good quality video at low bit rates.. its worth it

Yup...great for anime and music vidoes :yipi:
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