Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Update] XviD4PSP 5.027 RC8
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Pages: 1 2
ah the video encoder i use has been noticed here
Azumi Wrote:
u_c_taker Wrote:lol but it needs .net3 so im not gonna get this now
but it is still a great program n i am using a slightly older verion of it

but this has 3 pass encoding and with that you can get good quality video at low bit rates.. its worth it
It's actually generally better to do a single pass VBR/Quantizer encode than a 3 pass CBR/ABR encode.
In fact, you generally only do 2 passes, because extra passes will have little effect.

If I recall correctly, x264 can perform unlimited number of passes, but meh.  If you don't mind having really slow encodes, up your other settings, like using Exhaustive ME.
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