Endless Paradigm

Full Version: crazy errors in ep
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Memory errors occur because someone/some people are using an excessive number of connections to the server.  I was having some last night - took me about an hour to ban the offending IPs.

It's mainly the large downloads in the Downloads section.  I'm considering modifying the script to block large number of connections.  The problem is that it could block "legitamite" downloads as well...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Memory errors occur because someone/some people are using an excessive number of connections to the server.  I was having some last night - took me about an hour to ban the offending IPs.

It's mainly the large downloads in the Downloads section.  I'm considering modifying the script to block large number of connections.  The problem is that it could block "legitamite" downloads as well...

Is there anyway to set up some sort of download queue that would help limit the number of connections?
Download queuing would take some doing and be a tax on the server, I think it's best if the rape downloads are limited.
hibbyware Wrote:Is there anyway to set up some sort of download queue that would help limit the number of connections?
Apache queues connections, however, the issue is that they use up all server slots, with downloads, so no-one can get a connection in...
Best method is to block excessive amounts of connections. >_>
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