Endless Paradigm

Full Version: When ice slopes attack
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ok yesterday for x-mas i decided on going to mt. baldy and mess around for the day.

so i got there, and there was way more people than i expected to see O_O
but it was still cool there was snow and lots of ice

so i started to climb up the side of this slope it was pretty vertical
i got up no problem i even started to come down fine. i seen a little gully where people had gone up and down all day
so it created like these steps.
so i started off towards them
i slipped and this little flat part that evened out (looked like the lip of a jump)
i thought i was going to stay on it since it was level, nope
i slipped off..i tried to grab for any thing i could but nothing in sight

i looked below me and it looked clear, but what looked like another jump was coming
it wasn't a jump it was a rock
i tried to dodge it but their was nothing i could do :(
i slammed into it on my right upper thigh, right below my hip :gasp:

here are the pictures O_O

2 hours after
[Image: DSC07977.jpg]

4hours after
[Image: DSC07980.jpg]

9 hours after
[Image: IMG00374.jpg]
[Image: IMG00373.jpg]

17 hours after
[Image: IMG00378.jpg]
[Image: IMG00377.jpg]

damn luckily that's my thigh and not my face :he:
epic ko

increase you dexterity skill and you may miss it next time
Ouch..that's got to hurt...hope your all right. )
congrats on your 1000th post :great:
[Image: squeee1000.jpg]

so you are joining D.A?
oh damn man, like you said when ice slopes attack >_<
Did that hurt,.!?
hahaha oh damn lol

I bet you can't even sit down without pain,

It could of been a lot worse but lucky your still breathing,

Next time watch out for the rock,  lol
damn that hurts
That had to hurt.
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