20/03/2007, 03:40 AM
Speaking of jokes, remember the one about the lost helicopter pilot and the Microsoft Help support staff?
You see, this pilot was lost in the fog, and he badly needed to find the airport before he ran out of gas. Slowing his chopper to a hover, he managed to get the attention of some office personnel in a nearby skyscraper. Using a marker and a large cardboard shit, he wrote a big sign asking WHERE AM I?
The support staff, using their own cardboard sign quickly printed up from a word processor, replied IN A HELICOPTER.
The pilot gestured his thanks, and promptly found the airport. An amazed air traffic controller then asked him how in heaven's name he could have navigated through that fog? The pilot cheerfully told the story of the office workers and added, "when they replied, I immediately knew I was above Microsoft HQ. Only their Help system would answer like that: accurate and completely useless."
You see, this pilot was lost in the fog, and he badly needed to find the airport before he ran out of gas. Slowing his chopper to a hover, he managed to get the attention of some office personnel in a nearby skyscraper. Using a marker and a large cardboard shit, he wrote a big sign asking WHERE AM I?
The support staff, using their own cardboard sign quickly printed up from a word processor, replied IN A HELICOPTER.
The pilot gestured his thanks, and promptly found the airport. An amazed air traffic controller then asked him how in heaven's name he could have navigated through that fog? The pilot cheerfully told the story of the office workers and added, "when they replied, I immediately knew I was above Microsoft HQ. Only their Help system would answer like that: accurate and completely useless."