Endless Paradigm

Full Version: somethings up with my user title
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im not sure who did it but it had to be a admin

maybe zinga accidently did it when changing my standing group

but it now has these "amp's" in it

i will leave them in for now

so you guys can see it

also maybe it was a glitch thus why im posting this here

By the way thanks zinga for the new Team pod user group :great:
You can't use the & symbol in the title, change it to + and all will be fine.
UncertainGod Wrote:You can't use the & symbol in the title, change it to + and all will be fine.

i had the & symbol in their for this whole time and only today had that appeared
i don't think that is it

yeah that wasn't it
i removed it and updated it and now it's fine

but it used to say

Team Leader & Creator
Probably a glitch when trying to evaluate HTML chars (& is the HTML version of & )
^^^^ yeah i figured

i just wanted to report it
to help the void run smoother :great:

EP For the win
LOL it did it again

damn amp leave me alone

i don't want any         XP
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