I want to help you!! hell its Xmas!! ;P
You may send me your psp and i get it ready by the end of the week!!
Sry. I don hlp any fudgeing noobles.
^ Why would you fudge noodles?
I eat them with chopsticks, the oriental way.
Or better, just use your fingers.
go for the gold!
god doesn't like quitters.
............................lawl this thread was a "help" thread but turned into a flame thread... then sPa/\/\ thread bout herpes... and seizures
WOW this guy is seriously a retard, he upgraded to 3.80 LMAO HAHAHAHAHA FUCKIN N00BIE PRICK
this is just pathetic.
nothing more to say about this thread
yes there is.
blueberry muffins, anyone like them?