Endless Paradigm

Full Version: UPDATED: Project4 Public BETA released
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Ok it seems there were several issues with the universal installer created for this app so a new build has been released to fix these. Updated the download link with the new version

Original Source Aura's Homepage

Quote:Project4 is homebrew application that's being developed as a complete replacement for the PSP's XMB browser. Auraomega clarifies that Project4 works from flash, and is not a shell (for example iRShell).

Project4 Beta has been successfully tested on a PSP Slim, and should be able to handle the following firmware versions (quoting the readme):

All current custom firmwares 3.10 and above are supported currently by a custom patch, or the "Dirty Hack", when/if 3.80M33 is released I'll work on another patch if its needed, otherwise I'll just allow the installer to use the "Dirty Hack" too if its supported.

Before you get started, wee strongly advice users - especially first-timers - to view the readme before installing the app. Given that Project4 writes to your PSP's flash0 and flash1, mishandling it may lead to brickings. If you do encounter any problems, be sure to inform Auraomega's development thread via the source link. Wee've also posted Project4's currently functional and non-functional features to help you along - be prepared in case updates are announced:

    * 7.1. Working
          o ISO loading.
          o CSO loading.
          o ISOFs NoUMD mode.
          o Editable GUI.
          o 3.XX Kernel loading for EBOOT, PRX and ELF files.
          o 1.50 Kernel loading for EBOOT, PRX and ELF files.
          o PNG loader.
          o JPG loader.
          o HEX reader.
          o UMD loader.
          o Internal keyboard (soon to be replaced by Sony keyboard).
          o File Copying.
          o Change config and flash writing.
          o Theme flashing.
    * 7.2. Faulty
          o MP3 Player.
          o Text Reader.
          o File Deletion (Does not delete folders if there are files or folders inside).
          o NoUMD compatibility (M33 driver and NP9600).
    * 7.3. Broken
         * M3U loader
         * USB transfer
         * XMB Loader
    * 7.4. Future
         * Complete Image Viewer
         * Complete Music Player
         * Movie Player
         * PSP Config Menu
         * Wireless Transfer
         * PiKey Compatibility
         * Replace current font with intraFont style

So at the minute it isn't really ready for a home PSP system but if you want to take a look then make sure your back-up your flash0 and have a go. I hope he gets the last few bugs sorted soon as this is a very interesting project and it's good to have another flash developer on the scene.

Download Link : HERE

Remember this is just a proof of concept and not the complete product
I was just about to post about this,

It's looking good for a POC,
definately looking forward to the future of this homebrew
Sensei Seito Wrote:definately looking forward to the future of this homebrew

Same here...IMO the best homebrew in a while.
yeah, i want to see how this shapes up...
yeh it's awesome!
I remember when this is just an idea, nice to see a POC.
can't wait for the full relaese
this looks promising

wee know they are working on it.
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