Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #17 -- SPACE
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ok so as McCabes prize for actually making ASCII art.

he got to pick the theme
and his theme was SPACE

so  everyone get to work.

and congrats and a merry Christmas to the winners

1st Pyro - 12 votes

2nd Diego and Lat03 - 3 votes

3rd McCabe - 2 votes

Awesome theme, Merry Christmas to you too.
thanks, hope to see your entry soon
I def try to enter,.!!

Nice theme!!

And merry Xmas!!
Interesting theme...might make a nebula..
i might enter this week
good, nice to see a few people saying that they will try to join
Merry Xmas all!
oh man sooooooo sorry diego

read this for more info


edit: i look at the time you posted this thread, you posted it at the right time :great:
i don't feel as bad anymore
[Image: mehsigic5.png]


Shady545 Wrote:oh man sooooooo sorry diego

read this for more info


edit: i look at the time you posted this thread, you posted it at the right time :great:
i don't feel as bad anymore

that's fine, as I said I found the time.

and that's a nice entry Rikku!
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