Endless Paradigm

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I am trying to get into the custom flash xmb scene making my own themes (not filthy .ptf files but FLASH). I need help with putting my icons into a topmenu_plugin.rco file. I have my icons set at 270x85 as u see here: [Image: texphotoem2.png]

I have a transparent background, its in 256 colors (i think), and its a 32-bit BMP file. I got the works, but everytime i save my rco and put it in my psp, my psp shows a blank space where my icons are supposed to be. WTH is going on?:@

Am i making the icons the wrong way? is the icon too big? wat is it?:hmm:

Here is the source to my icon: Source.psd

Im loosing my god dam head here!!!:out:

P.S. I am making the XMB to be put on 3.52 M33 Firmware. (Is 3.52 M33 rco work on 3.52 M33-x ?)
Off topic

I like them icons
Maybe the only mistake you make is that for 3.71 , you have to leave (don't compress) option in the editor.And if your topmenu don't reach 600 Kb you must be happy , more than 600 Kb topmenu is obviously result in a missing icon.
gsmoke Wrote:Maybe the only mistake you make is that for 3.71 , you have to leave (don't compress) option in the editor.And if your topmenu don't reach 600 Kb you must be happy , more than 600 Kb topmenu is obviously result in a missing icon.

The file is for 3.52 PSP's (fat)
Try reducing the size.  The PSP has issues with large icons, especially with a flashed background.
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