Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New Bright Sig : i Robot
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Pages: 1 2
Yeah , took me a while to get the look i wanted.

Whaddaya think?

[Image: irobot1.png]

or V2
[Image: irobot2.png]


[Image: v3.png]


[Image: v4.png]
i dnt c a difference in V1 and 2!!! lol it looks sweet though man! :P
Too bright! D:
there are scanlines in V2, thankyou also!
badthingshappen Wrote:Too bright! D:

Pyro Wrote:New Bright Sig : i Robot

Pref v.1

The Lighting & Blending is awesome, mixing that white deliciously!
I like the first one, looks good.
seems too bright.
looks great

i really like your work :great:
Thanks guys.

The reason it's so bright is that i didn't want the colours i was using to be so saturated.
Pages: 1 2
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