Endless Paradigm

Full Version: AJAX Quick reply
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The loading thing stays on my screen forever until i refresh/change page.
It happens when i use the ajax quick reply.
same here .. forgot to report that thing
same here...but the one for editing a post doesn't

And the word Epigs dissapears from my namebox when i post, so i can't click it after using AQR
What browser are you all using, the exact version.

I used to have that problem on FF on windoze.
Could you install the Firebug plugin and report what script error it says?

I've been hearing this quite a bit, but after testing with various builds of Firefox, I have yet to see it myself (it's disabled for IE).
I'm using firefox
Testing..1 error found.
Firebug console:
inlineModeration is not defined
quickReplyPosted(XMLHttpRequest)thread.js (line 407)
onComplete(XMLHttpRequest)thread.js (line 335)
(no name)()moo.ajax.js (line 28)
Event.observe($("inlinemod_"+pidArray[i]), "click", inlineModeration.checkIt...

(thread.js (line 407))
that animated desu is fine for me most of the time n dosent get stuck
The problem only seems to occur for non-mods/admins.
UncertainGod Wrote:The problem only seems to occur for non-mods/admins.

Yeah its working fine for me :)
i used to have this problem
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