Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Pandora Battery Creator plugin for 3.80
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So i loaded up some alt.binaries.sony.psp  this morning and to my surprise i find
"Battery Plugin for 3.80.zip"

Ok so i grabbed it and read it and it seems someone updated the nids to helldashx's pandora battery creator for 3.52 that works on 3.80...SUPPOSEDLY....Im going to assume he has some cfw wee don't have...


Its a fake....

Either way...I figured i would post it for speculation and examination.

Readme.txt Wrote:Hi, i update a plugin that _HellDashX_ made some time ago for 3.51 (and he posted in EOL, http://www.elotrolado.net)

Now its works in 3.80, you can make a pandora battery in the vsh using it.
Only enable the plugin to vsh.

This plugin have this combo keys:

SELECT + LTRIGGER » Dump your battery eeprom to ms0:/eeprom.bin
SELECT + RTRIGGER » Write from ms0:/eeprom.bin to battery eeprom.
START + LTRIGGER » Convert the battery to normal battery.
START + RTRIGGER » Convert the battery to normal battery with autorun.
RTRIGGER + LTRIGGER » Convert the battery in a debug battery.
START + SELECT » Shutdown the plugin

_HellDashX_ make it some time ago using emulated code instead use API calls to the battery.
Nice idea, because in 3.80 Syscon don't have any API for convert the battery.

I only make the fix for the new version in the nids, :)

does it work?

anyone tried it?
Give me a custom 3.80 firmware and ill try :)
from coolj at QJ
Quote:I know there is no 380 custom firmware yet,but when it comes out you can make a pandora battery on it with this plugin.
It's real but was made by HellDashX not Zarzaparrilla.
I removed the download for fears of the worst.  If you want it, get it from the official release thread.  ;)
UncertainGod Wrote:It's real but was made by HellDashX not Zarzaparrilla.

that's what it says in the read me UG

where did you get zarzaparrilla?

he is the one who edited it
Shady545 Wrote:
UncertainGod Wrote:It's real but was made by HellDashX not Zarzaparrilla.

that's what it says in the read me UG

where did you get zarzaparrilla?

he is the one who edited it

This guy is a member of one spanish forum , i won't trust him so much.
Iff coolj did this i beleive him more.zarzaparilla is an user that only makes questions ....
i don't know what coolj's connection is...he just posted it on QJ and gave that info

Guess its nice to know things will be ready for us though
meh i just can't wait for cfw 3.80
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