Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW#16 -- VOTING
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R!KKU Wrote:i don't know who's no.4 is but i like it

i voted for that 1


diego Wrote:that's mine Rikku!

And now I know why I like it :P
Pyro Wrote:Thanks to Hellgiver, kaiser, Vegetano1!

No thanks,. its the best sign in the contest!! :yes:
2nd places would have been lat03(who ever that is ;P ) and Mc_Cabe ,. ! i like both the same!

I really like whot i see and would like to try and do that meself too,.!!
Voted for the 3rd one.
Thanks ExBu
Voted for you as well, Pyro

That sig is simply amazing!!
voted for mc cabe
Voted for Jon.
Voted No1 as I believe it's number 1;P. All good but Mc Cabe's was defo my favorite.
cannot decide what to vote for
damn i voted for jtown then seen how many other people picked it O_O

i think that might be the most voted, maybe .shadow beat it ,let me check
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