Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Flash Over USB 0.2 (3.80 included)
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IMPORTANTHigh probability of BRICKING , before doing anything you must have your old  Pandora MS SAVED in your PC , then don't format the MAGIC STICK , and even after the DES. CEM. is broken you can simply move your old pandora over your Boot changed MS and it works again.

Flash over USB 0.2 for Des. Cem/Pandora


You need to have a suitable ELF menu set up in order to run this, such as my ELF menu 0.2a
Here or nandTool 0.3 Here.

1) Get usb.prx, usbstor.prx, usbstormgr.prx, usbstorms.prx from the kd folder on a 1.50 dump
2) Copy them into ms0:/kd on your Des Cem v3 memory stick
3) Open ms0:/kd/pspbtcnf.txt and pspbtcnf_game.txt
4) Between the lines /kd/power.prx and /kd/mscm.prx, add /kd/usb.prx - do not add the other PRXs
5) Place Flash_over_USB_Menu_0.2.elf in ms0:/elf, then run it using my Pandora ELF menu. It will appear as "Flash over USB Menu" unless you rename it.

3.80 uses a new encryption, so you must perform the following steps to enable access to it's lflash partition over USB:
1) Get PRXdecrypter 1.8 from http://lan.st/showthread.php?t=1575 or http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=92789 or http://exophase.com/psp/prxdecrypter-18-2814.htm
2) Using PBP Unpacker or a similar tool, copy the DATA.PSP from the 3.80 updater EBOOT to ms0:/enc on your memory stick
3) Run PRXdecrypter, pressing X - this will extract the updater PRXs
4) Exit PRXdecrypter, and run it again, pressing X - this will decrypt the updater PRXs
5) Rename the newly extracted and decrypted sceLFatFs_Updater_Driver.prx and sceNAND_Updater_Driver.prx in ms0:/enc to lfatfs_updater.prx and nand_updater.prx and copy them to ms0:/kd, overwriting the existing ones
6) The menu will now be capable of accessing 3.80 files, but only on the Slim.

- Uses some updater PRXs to handle the Slim's lflash encryption, so it no longer bricks. If the files cannot be loaded the app will not continue to run.
- Removed unnecessary USB modules

* Use D-Pad up/down to choose the device you want to mount as a USB drive, and press X.
* The device will automatically disconnect if you activate one and then activate something else, so you shouldn't need to use Force Disconnect unless there is a syncronisation problem.
* A small counter shows how many bytes have been read and written to/from the NAND (memory stick access is not counted)

Thanks to Dark_AleX, cory1492, SilverSpring and FreePlay


- Have a VALID and UP TO DATE nand dump before you start messing with this, otherwise you could seriously screw up your PSP.
- Backup your existing lfatfs_updater and nand_updater if you plan to overwrite them for 3.80 support, as overwriting them might break the ability to flash 3.71 M33 from Des Cem. If you already lost them you can re-extract and decrypt them from the 3.71 updater.

SOURCE : http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=93409

This is the Jas0nuk Guide over at Maxconsole. For any adventurer who want to try it good luck.
Thanks you very much G, this is good news :)
I ve came to the point where all of this is wrong ???????????????????'

cory149 Wrote: [ -> ]Fat with custom firmware or official firmware older than 3.00 doesn't have the lflash sectors crypted, and des cem doesn't use those prx's on a fat (it only loads them if it is a slim).

I confirmed it last night jas0nuk, the 3.80 prx's will cause the same result as using 3.71 ones on 3.80. You can mount it and it won't brick the PSP unless you write to a mounted disk of the wrong format, but it also will not give you a real directory listing either (just garbage entries when you open the disk). No backwards compatibility, in other words.
awww so doesn't work on fat :(
Yep Jas0nuk is debating a way to make it for the fat , i guess , something like that check the source thread for more info.

just a note now there is an radioshack_plugin.prx....

And also this ....  [attachment=1121]
gsmoke Wrote:just a note now there is an radioshack_plugin.prx....

And also this .... 

O_o what's that?
This is just the radio icon in the topmenu ,lets see if the customers start changing this icon.
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