Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.80 m33 in the works *UPDATED*
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In a PSP, functions in a module are named by concatenating the library they are exported (supervisor) and a 4 byte idenifier called a NID,

The NID was obtained by computing the SHA-1 of the function name,

This has now changed making it harder to obtain the correct NID,

I believe the NID resolver would do as ZiNgA said bridge the gap between the new and old NIDs making older kernel modules compatible for the newer firmware,
ahh so now i see why its more work for DarK_AleX..
thanks hibby and ZiNgA!
huh, nice that he is trying to make it easier for the other coders instead of easier for himself.

Keep up the good work D_A!
maybe its just a new slim to stop pandoras
cool da is great
hibbyware Wrote:In a PSP, functions in a module are named by concatenating the library they are exported (supervisor) and a 4 byte idenifier called a NID,

The NID was obtained by computing the SHA-1 of the function name,
Ahh, so that's how the library functions work.
Thanks hibbyware.
results from hibbybot better than google lol
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