Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Dumping and decrypting firmware 3.80
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First of all so you don't repeat what i did, here is the 3.80 eboot.pbp

Click here

Dump-list of modules

Quote:Here you go,its the 3.80 module list and some little "proof" that they are decrypted.Its from the slim.

PS: Latest psardumper won't work,because the file table extraction changed(not sure if its correct in english)

Get list here

radio hack isn't a 'hack', it's a convient way to stream audio to your PSP.

Quote: Over on the forums, FreePlay has introduced the QJ.Net population to a new hack for PSP FW 3.80. It's a hack that'll allow users to bypass the lock of the Internet Radio Player, allowing you to use something other than Shoutcast or Icecast for listening to music.

According to Freeplay, here's what you have to do:

   1. Set up a DNS server on your PC. Make radio.psp.dl.playstation. net point to your PC's local IP.
   2. Set up a web server.
   3. Mirror: http://radio.psp.dl.playstation.net/psp/.../PLAYER_I/
   4. Edit the files however you want.
   5. Set up a network connection using your PC's local IP as the primary DNS server.

As you can probably guess, it's not exactly a newb-friendly hack since you have to set up a web server, so wee're calling on the members of the QJ community to come up with tutorials to help other people learn how to set up this hack. In any case, you can view a video of the hack in action below. Enjoy!

Also if your on 3.80 official firmware, pandora seems to still work source
find a download for full 3.80 firmware dump
Ahh, the lame DNS trick...

I'm still betting that the URL is simply stored in a PRX which can be hexed...  Which would be better...
i think he had included a dump of another firmware accidently earlier n then it was moved to this place cause of legal stuff but then he deleted the old thread after realising his mistake but he made the thread here for some strange reason i don't know even though he didnt include a dump of 3.80
Ok here is a chance to get all the files dumping the firmware using jas0nuk guid and Elf ....

what a pitty, i get fat only.. =.=" can't access f0
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