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Full Version: [PSP] Simple Popstation GUI v3.00 beta
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really nice app^^
But I've got a problem: I vonverted FFVII CD1 and my PSP won't start it don't know why :(

Any suggestions?


sry for dblpost, but I forgot to mention I've got 3.10OE-A
Hmm, did you uncheck any of the customize EBOOT checkboxes?  For some reason, I heard that that can cause problems with 3.10 OE - dunno exactly why, but just try it :)


ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Guest Wrote:hELO Man, thanks for nice gui!
But u need 2 change PAL 2 NTSC fix method... that one u using is unfinished nothing
u must use PALADIN instead (just add console exe of it and make in gui controls elemets for its features) its best PAL 2 NTSC conversion tool and it may patch already patched isos (patched by yo and other methods PSX isos) and this is only tool that may fix resolution without loosing upper and lover strips of screen.
Yeah, I'll probably stick Paladin in the next release... >_>
Thanks for the comment :P

Oh that's nice) but don't forget 2 use version 1.3 or above... by the way some peops reported that PAL isos work well and don't need 2 be fixed in 3.10 but i didnt check myself, anyway for 3.03 owners its good 2 have paladin inside... and thanks for invation but im 2 lazy 2 register on 10000000th forum... im not using same pass (new pass for every new site) and im starting 2 messing them...
thanks forr this. i love you el oh el now i play ff9 and ff7 on the psp
i pretty much use this every day.. Thanks Zinga :)
Thanks for this, great gui and very simple to use, fixed a lot of my eboot probs with it.
Good Job Zinga.  I am new to this PSX game playing and this GUI made converting files very easy.  Keep up the good work.



I am attempting to use your program to fix FFVII.

I played disc 1 and now when I load disc 2 it does not see my save game.

If I open the three PBP's they all appear to have the same game id. Do I need to change the game ID in the save?, any idea how I can go about this?
Make sure both the Game IDs and Game Saves are identical for each PBP. :P
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