If the option isn't there in the program, it doesn't matter if it's implemented or not :P
I had a look at the new popstation_md.
I think it would require a fair amount of redesigning Simple Popstation GUI however.
If I somehow find time, maybe, but otherwise, I probably won't...
%^^^ would be nice but if you gonna try and update popstation will both option's be available!?
1 eboot and multiple eboots ?!?
If someone's interested, they are free to take the sourcecode of Simple Popstation GUI and build their own GUI.
It's just that this will have to be redesigned a fair bit to make it work well with the new popstation_md.
Well, I guess there could be a simple hack if the options for separate discs aren't important.
For example, I could make it that when you select a few ISOs, you can't change the individual game names or IDs (they will be automatically detected and set). Also, the compression value would apply for all discs.
I'll have to also check CDDA fixes and extracting ISOs from the generated EBOOT.
This would limit what popstation_md could do, but I guess, for most people, this shouldn't be much of an issue.
A new popstation GUI from would nice, I don't know much about coding so I wouldn't be able to make it.

All exaggerations aside, I would like to see another release to support multi-disc games. I've been playing around with other programs (namely Red_Squirrel's MD Popstation), and I absolutely gagged at his atrocious GUI. There's a version by Impaler which is alright, but it let me yearning for your easy-to-do GUI. So... yes. Please? If you're not busy of course.
I actually had plans to do it, but unfortunately, at work (which I get the most time to do my own developments XD), had my computers changed a bit, and it seems my permission level got lowered, so can't run VB.
Unfortunately, VBA isn't suffice, so I'm kinda stuck...
use someone elses password
or haxor your permission lvl up
or use xp o a flashpen woth visual basic installed
there is a copy of VB6 portable...but i have no idea how much it can/can't do
roberth Wrote:there is a copy of VB6 portable...but i have no idea how much it can/can't do
It does enough, however, you need at least Power User privilleges as it registers a DLL at runtime.