Endless Paradigm

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Can i add a border or color to an hotspot? i searched everywhere and i can't find how to do it (if I'm able to), i really need it.
thank you.
what do u mean by "hotspot"
?? ... i think you can but i doubt that its HTML pirata ... see here : http://www.instructables.com
open an instructable and you should see their hotspots on the pictures got some sort of box with borders...

@usif = hotspots are clickable links in a picture ... not the whole of it..
say if you have the world map then you want to have a link for each continent.. you use hotspots for that...
so in one pic you have seven links to

see here and youll know exactly what im talking about :mdr:
Should say a "image map" or something.

Hotspots generally refer to places where you can connect to the internet with a Wi-Fi device.

Never used them, so dunno.  Could try the CSS hover property.  Probably doesn't work.  Javascript can provide a rectangle solution.
Other than that, impossible without some 3rd party embed.
ah, image maps now I get what the hell he was talking about.

Image maps annoying the living fudge out of me.
xD, yes image maps lol.

Well i found this:
I think that's what i want, thank you.
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