Endless Paradigm

Full Version: MIT course available online for free
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Quote:MIT is committed to advancing education and discovery through knowledge open to everyone.

OCW shares free lecture notes, exams, and other resources from more than 1800 courses spanning MIT's entire curriculum.

Taken from ocw.mit.edu

Free access to that information isn't going to get you a degree but is possibly the best resource available for free to teach yourself the fundamentals of interesting subject's, now if you will excuse me I'm going to read up on what they are teaching in Plasma Physics
wow.. ill definatly check that out... nice find

That's really nice.
Most of the time I'm at Uni, I barely listen to the lecturer anyway, so...

EDIT: This stuff looks really cool :)
ill take a look at this once in a while.

help me learn something.
1800 courses O.O ,, cool find UG :great:
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