Endless Paradigm

Full Version: taking in ptf theme requests
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mp3punk05 Wrote:WOW! im doin gsmokes theme straight away! lol

Well in that case just give a moment to complete it ,and im uploading the icons.
Look better wait to see where this whole circus i going to stop , new firmware diferent PTF creator ,from a sony are crazy....
So u want me to put those icons in a theme :S
im confused ,
mp3punk05 Wrote:So u want me to put those icons in a theme :S
im confused ,

PTF , not ? , you made this thread for requests did ya ?
ye , so u want me to make you a ptf  of those icons?
so what's on the attached files you put on ?

By the way i will make the theme

oooo now i get ya! u want me to put these into a ptf , ok no probs.
though can u send me a bg u want please?

right its all done and iv posted it allready :D

Any other requests???
I've seen all these Star Wars themes but how about an original Trilogy one for the Slim (cfw 3.80) with boot up movie and sounds and maybe replace the network update button and use that as a Shutdown/Reboot button similar to other themes going around?
I want a 50 Cent (the rapper) ptf theme... Please with the Internet Radio icon...
02byzst..... Its a ptf not a rco....

Brady4mvp .... Im really sorry but there isn't enough pictures/logo's or whatever . I would though theres not enough. Sorry
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