Endless Paradigm

Full Version: dasme has a femaIL ghost
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Pages: 1 2
He's/she's outside my window! :O
* dasme will kill jHiNgA tonight for that :rofl:
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By the way don't u want 2 know the name of that femail ghost

U guessed it right. the name is ZiNgA
huh double you tee eff? is this some kind of sick inside joke and you guys want dumbasses to ask what's all this about?
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hey double you tee eff i just saw you took off the bux thing put it back on please
that's what i want to ask ZiNgA. lol my $2000 dollars gone :(
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anyway it was useless money. no use for that :)
it was still cool to brag about how much you had though...
Found in the shout box

<dasme> - 18-03 20:29 -- jHiNgA BhUrGa
<dasme> - 18-03 20:48 -- boo boo jHiNgA BhUrGa
<dasme> - 18-03 20:49 -- I scared jHiNgA BhUrGa so much that, he will be out for
almost 2 days
noooo my savings!!!
i know man i had 800 bux i was gonna buy like 4 psp's and a jhinga burger
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ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:He's/she's outside my window! :O

wait now that i think about it if its a he/she then wouldnt you just call it "it" or "transsomething"?
dasme Wrote:» dasme - 18-03 17:44 -- Zinga bot is currently out of order :yes:

» dasme - 18-03 17:46 -- planning to upgrade the zinga bot with a powerful 3 Hz processor :mdr:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:He's/she's outside my window! :O

He's/she's half ghost?

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