13/12/2007, 06:14 AM
this is interesting since i play MTG and it is being updated
thanks to transce080 the creator
thanks to transce080 the creator
Quote:Magic PSP Station (MPS)
Magic PSP Station (MPS) supports solitaire play and two-player hotseat using any single card set from Magic the Gathering. The starter package allows the program to run the set 10th edition, and includes 10th edition preconstructed decks in MPS format.
LINK: Program file (mirror)
Installing involves copying the MPS directory and all of its contents to your choice of GAME directory, depending on your flavor of firmware. MPS was tested on 1.50, 3.40, 3.52 and 3.71 kernels.
The theme and images are not distributed with MPS. They must be obtained here:
LINK: MPSHQ share folder - 10th edition MPS Starter Set
* MPS_set_10E.zip - full set - 78.55MB
* MPS_set_10E_Thm-only.zip - set with thumbnails only (for evaluation purposes) - 1MB
* MPS_theme.zip - 322KB
*You need the full set and theme to really play however you can use the thumbnail-only set if you have a slow connection speed and/or wish to try the program out before downloading the full set.*
Copy the entire contents of both archives to your \MPS\data\ directory. The avatar images may be customized. The image must be 34 by 34 pixels and saved in PNG format. Your avatar should be named myAvatar.png and your opponent's should be named opAvatar.png. The decks you wish to use should be named myDeck.dat and opDeck.dat respectively and placed in the MPS directory. Five deck files are provided corresponding to the five 10th edition preconstructed decks.
Readme Contents
1. Introduction
2. Summary
3. Installation
4. Interface
5. Special Actions FAQ
6. Controls
7. How to change decks
8. How to make decks
9. How to install new sets
10. Learn to play Magic the Gathering
11. Display Note
12. Limitations
13. Disclaimer
14. Thanks
Please see the full readme before installation.