So, how is one able to do it? I did a quick search for proggyz, but to no avail. The one in our (_____) has a virus in it. Could y'all please help me out?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I deleted what I need back on my MS.
i don't know what your talking about
this is most likely the wrong section
and watch what ya say ;)
YoYoBallz Wrote:watch what ya say :wink:
Well, its true, I ran in, and then my anti-virus had quarantined it and moved it to the vault. I didn't even get a chance to use it. I don't really think that it is talking bad about it if it is true. . . . . .
I presume this is a computer related question....
Anyway, are you trying to restore deleted data?
Restoration is a nice free quick tool to do the job.
Note that, once you delete a file, there's no guarantee that you can restore it.
Yeah, I realize that there is no guarantee, but there is also a good chance. All I can do now is hope! By the way, MaDc0w has help me out by supplying me with an app to use.
nice to hear that. although, i heard that the stuff deleted is actually still in the computer