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Full Version: Recommend Best MAME games.
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im finding some nice mame games to play. and this is what i have think is really good.

king of fighter 2003
super contra'
super puzzle fighter 2 turbo
marvel vs capcom
dungeon and dragons: shadow over mystara

also, anyone knows the game name that is very similair to dnd:som??? its a asia/chinese game and its about those characters like lubu etc... im finding this game. thanks in advance. it uses the same item usage system like dnd:som.
Tapper: Budweiser Edition - For the win ;)
cool. will check out your recommendation. =)

i was thinking the games released for mame, will they updated with the newer games like KOF 2007...etc.. or is it just dead.....?
Samurai Shodown 5 is a good fighting game.
cool. will check that out if free.

by the way, i found the game that i was looking for. its called knights of valour. damn nice

saw people play at arcade like pros. love the item system in that game.


[Image: Old-LastYearAirlines.jpg]
Is it just me, or does the MAME Outrun(1986) finish just to damn fast?
Please check the date when posting.
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