Endless Paradigm

Full Version: ゴスロリ theme v1
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Screen shot desu:
[Image: screenshot001cj9.png]

Installation notes desu:
to flash this theme it is the same as usual (if you don't know how search for more info)
as for the wallpaper.bmp, put it in ms0:/PICTURE and goto the Photo tab in the xmb, select memorystick, select the wallpaper.bmp, when the photo is loaded select "set as wallpaper"

Terms of condition desu:
This is only for 3.71 M33 PSPs at the moment and as usual flash at your own risk.
the author and everyone else at Endless Paradigm holds no responsibility if this damages your psp in anyway.
by downloading the file(s) below you accept the full responsibility of your PSP.
you may repost this theme on other sites but you must credit the original author for his original work.
nice. it's looks good.
nice theme!
very nice.
i liked..
wait? why flash it?

can't you make it a PTF?
nice theme sparker
i agree.. this theme need a ptf version....  ill make it myself in a little while cause i really bored.. of course no vol bar....    i really like your theme sparker.. not many people doing themes like that other then me and ive been lazy the last couple months.. maybe this will give me some inspiration
I don't know how to make PTF, I would've made a PTF version otherwise, and thanks for all the comments guys.
AzumiUehara Wrote:i agree.. this theme need a ptf version....  ill make it myself in a little while cause i really bored..
Thanks :)
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