Endless Paradigm

Full Version: D_A to release multi-disc popsloader soon?
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Quote:PSP homebrew developer Mathieulh tipped us off today to let us know that a new Popsloader binary with full support for building multi-disc PSone EBOOTs is due for release soon.

Essentially, this means that when converting multi-disc PSone games for use with custom firmware on the PSP, users will be able to store and compress all the data into one EBOOT file, rather than building a separate EBOOT file for each disc.

No release date for the program as yet but it does seem promising.
Yeah this does seems like a good thing,

Shame I don't play games,  lol
yeah i seen this on -hacks,  great news though
this is good for all the ps1 gamers on psp
Great news. Maybe I'll finally be able to finish Metal Gear Solid :D

I WANT IT NOW!!! lol
that's great, because i seem to have lost the hack & directions to play mgs on pops

metalgear08 Wrote:Great news. Maybe I'll finally be able to finish Metal Gear Solid :D

I WANT IT NOW!!! lol

oh lol i didt read ur post, theres a way to do it, when i get home I'll look for it and pm you
Good news, but i don't play ps1 games that much.
beaner2k6 Wrote:that's great, because i seem to have lost the hack & directions to play mgs on pops

metalgear08 Wrote:Great news. Maybe I'll finally be able to finish Metal Gear Solid :D

I WANT IT NOW!!! lol

oh lol i didt read ur post, theres a way to do it, when i get home I'll look for it and pm you

I know how, it's just that every time I try it it doesn't work for me, and I don't usually have the time to troubleshoot, so I just gave up.
dude...this is good news
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