woot woot i got a new laptop as a early x-mas gift
its a hp tx1320
check it out here
click me
heres a pic
the touch screen is awesome can't wait to try it on photoshop :great:
That's super fudgeing sweet man. wish I had one..
* Shady gives yoyoballs his laptop....a friend with weed is a friend indeed..oh wait i mean a friend in need is a friend indeed...:diablo:
ill take some pics of it later :yipi:
gimme gimme!! lol touchscreen,.!?
You got any spexs,.!?
click on the link it will tell you all the specs
off hand
it has a 250gb hard drive
12.1 inch screen
web cam
fingerprint scanner
uber awesomeness
congrats you lucky bastard
you are one lucky man.
man u are realy lucky, that is a sweet laptop
how is it trying to navigate with the touch screen, ive allways thought of ir being a bit hard and onnoying...