UPDATE 22 March 2008: Updated to 3.90m33 and made a CTF version!
Special thanks to Schmilk!! Font shadow and video offsets!!
New offsets,. alot!!
New music player menu and all custom viz's!!
New wave
New USB screen
New Font
New M33 update, endlessparadigm.com link and offcourse the reboot
New Multi language theme!! conpletely adjusted all text for all language's
New removed PSP update in game menu
Some other stuff i forgot about,..
UPDATE 10 december 2007 !New Uploaded!:
Compressed rco's now its posible to use the slide show/sysconfg_plugin_about.rco on the FAT PSP!
Only topmenu_icon and topmenu_plugin are not compressed,.
Now all text is fixxed except the "savegame and game" submenu,.. :(
Also the ingame savegame menu is fixxed again,. ;)
*] I forgot the add the gameboot the last time,.. gameboot is present now,.!!
Made a small tutoriol on how to compress and decompress rco files in the extra folder!
This way i don't have to add all uncompressed rco's,.
and now you can use the other tutoriol to customize uncompressed rco files
thanks to Anger for the heads up!!
Nect update some small details and compressed topmenu_plugin.rco,..
I Changed alot in this theme!!
Finally a new theme,.. lol still finishing Foster's theme wich is almost ready too!
Spoiler for More Picture's:
Main icon's and infobar,. and music menu,.
2 extra main icon's
All menu's different button's,.. umd video, video, photo, music
Sonic theme got some small text in the system settings but could not change this,
this is because i stretched the main icon's so they would fit the screen.
Boot sounds(4 differnent),wave and logo
6 large main icon's and 2 extra icon's in the extra folder
Repositioned all sub icon text
All menu's (video, photo, music) custom button's
Battery's and custom volume bar
Infobars and repositioned the text in infobars
Click sounds
Gameboot.pmf,.. [found]
Loading, broken data, unknow etc etc icon's
Sonic Slideshow(only on Slim PSP!!) redirected picture's
so the file is smaller but still don't fit on FAT psp,.
Changed a whole lot of text to keep it multi language
Added some [found] 01-12.bmp's
Busy icon
Help screen PSP's with picture's,. video, photo, umd video menu's
Games like a Grrl Wrote:dammit, I still don't want to leave 3.52. I'd use it in a heartbeat otherwise.
The moment someone makes a Haruhi theme look good, I'm so updating...
I made a complete tutoriol in the theme download how you can easily change the big topmenu icon's and the infobars,..
You should be able to make a Haruhi theme within a day,.
This is the readme from the Extra folder included with the theme:
Spoiler for Look Here:
To change topmenu icons(2 extra main icon's):
Open Rcoedit 1.15c
Go to options:
-leave 4bit/8bit BMP Importing >>> "Make first color transparent" >>>> unchecked
-check "Automatically select GIM bit depth
-check the last 2 boxxes >> "Don't compress images and models" and "Don't create .bak files"
Now load the topmenu_icon.rco and switch whatever icon you want,.
(only the first layer icon's ;) >> tex_system, tex_photo, tex_music, tex_video etc etc)
To change infobar's:
Open Rcoedit 1.15c
Go to options:
-check 4bit/8bit BMP Importing >>> "Make first color transparent"
-check "Automatically select GIM bit depth
-Uncheck the second last box >> "Don't compress images and models"
To change the "theme settings" infobar load sysconf_plugin.rco and replace the picture
"tex_bar_side_2.rco" with a different infobar
To change the standard infobar in the XMB(all other infobars) open system_plugin.rco
and replace "tex_optionmenu_base" with one of the infobars in the extra folder.
Files changed go into flash0:\vsh\source using recovery menu.
Waves >>> system_plugin_bg.rco
01-12.bmp's >>> 01-12.bmp
Different battery's >>> system_plugin_fg.rco
Bootsounds >>> opening_plugin.prx
go into flash0:\vsh\module using recovery menu.
You could easily make your own icon's with photoshop and replace the ones i used
-Infobar resolution 144x272 use a white alpha channel and save as .bmp or no
alpha channel and save as png.
-Topmenu icons resolution 140x123 use a white alpha channel and save as .bmp or no
alpha channel and save as png.
NOTE: the topmenuicons will be stretched so make sure you get clear/smooth
icon's in the first place!!
Also using a .png works but with less quality when using .bmp's with a good alpha channnel
NOTE2: make sure your icon's don't cover the text in the xmb menu,.
Thx to Dark_Alex custom firmware 3.71m33 update 3
ZingaBurga >>>> RcoEditor v1.15c
Ac_K >>>>> Custom XMB editor v0.3
Takashi >>>> vshmain editor
bstronga, gsmoke, Ac_k and meself for finding offsets used in this theme
MaDcOw for custom bootsound in 3.71
Sadly i got informed that bstronga has stopped customizing the xmb,..