Endless Paradigm

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When does Beowulf on PSP launch? Ubisoft has launched this game in Nov. right?
It's this week.
i hope it will not fails .
looking forward to this game . great movie indeed .
It's a game based on a film, it will fail.
Hafiy Wrote:i hope it will not fails .
looking forward to this game . great movie indeed .

So do I.
Hi ! UncertainGod

Maybe you are right or not. Sometimes, I heard that it's true that a game based on a film is always not that good. I don't why!
Because a game based on a film is a instant cash-cow, people will but it like good little sheep just because of it's name and the cover art so why should the company making it bother to spend money developing a proper game?
both ps3 and xbox360 versions of the beowulf game have already been dropped from $60 to $20 at gamestop/EB. it's apparently a hot ticket item this holiday season.

don't bother with this
yeah the games based on movies mostly suck although there could be exceptions
cause when a game based on a movie is released as ug said its not the game the people buy its the hype around the movie which causes the game to sell
The pSyPSP rip is available now for anyone interested.
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