Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New icon
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i noticed a new icon the other
what happened to the old one?
[Image: icon.jpg]
i seen a page error here the other day and it said something about i couldnt connect to the servers at such and such, i can't remember the address, but  i do remember that it was 2 words that started with c and n.....

is anyone else experiencing this?

don't mind the other icon i hacked those to show what i wanted (sorta)...
I had icon mix ups once but dunno what the reason was,..  did you install a browser uploader of some kind,.!?
i know how to mix up my bookmark icons but the tab and url address icon correspond with the server
O ok i dunno nothing about that,. lol
Hmm, interesting, I've actually never seen that before... >_>
maybe u got some spyware or something
I have never seen it ether. odd
I have that silver one, but I don't see the CN one on my browser.
Side Note

I think the site needs a new banner
yeah posting from a new computer i see the silver E icon
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