Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] The Muppet Show PTF Theme
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Pages: 1 2
Ferretboy Wrote:
Games like a Grrl Wrote:Ferret, mind if I post this on another forum, Muppet-modding?

Sure post anywhere you like as long as you give credit it's no problem at all, I'm glad everyone likes it so much :)

there is not a person alive doesn't like the muppets
cool i will try as well
roberth Wrote:there is not a person alive doesn't like the muppets

True, they're great with a nice honey barbecue glaze.  Got to grill 'em just right, though.
Games like a Grrl Wrote:True, they're great with a nice honey barbecue glaze.  Got to grill 'em just right, though.

Hahaha.. i wonder if they taste funny
Pages: 1 2
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