roberth Wrote:crows nest?!?!?!
I thought the same!
Very weird...:hmm:
Microsoft Speech sucks anyway. ;)
Syfe Wrote:CON? i wonder why... (maybe there is a secret folder someplace or file that prevents it?)
Yeah, i think Con is related to some folder hidden within the depths of a computer
lol. nice easter eggs. love the bush fact thingy
If you type in explorer c:\con\con and hit enter you will bluescreen.
Only on Win98 though... Wee used to tell n00bs that on IRC to get Operator status lol.
Or change your nickname to COM1 and "dcc chat" with someone to lockup thier pcs....
ahhh the good old days...
the microsoft Sam bug is the funniest!! lolololo!!!!
lol. what a nice way to trick noobs on the irc easter egg. but i never did it before cause i never knew irc existed in my win98 days.
old days...i never used win98 in my life but i did watch my bro use it. i was around 8 that time. so young. :yes: my first computer which is still here and fighting to stay alive and is still very useful has winxp :D this brings me memories.
yeah. brings back memories.
my desktop in my house which im using now is also very old. i think it is at least 7 years old. cause it still has the diskette/floppy disk drive =)
lol yeah I still have a 10 year old PC here.
win 98. . .I remember the first time I used a computer.
the first comp i used ran indows 3.1. still going stron too as far as i know. the computers in the loft at the moment