Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Split into parts
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I got a movie and the file is kidda big and I want to upload .

Can I know how do I split into parts ?
If you just want to cut it into chunks for upload use winRAR to archive it and on the bottom left hand side of the dialogue that appears there is a option to split into sections, set it to the size you want each piece to be and begin.
yeah when making a rar archive you can split it into parts and say how big each part will be so it will be easy to transfer.

but the smaller each file, the more files will be created. and vice versa.
can u show me a screenshot instead ? thanks
Why do you need a screenshot, just right-click on the file you want to archive, then select add to archive... In the box that appears you have all you archive options and towards the bottom left of those options is the section to split archive, you can't miss it.
And I thought this guide was fairly useless...

search function must be sad, no one ever uses him/her/it. =(
was just being lazy nowadays all i ever want is pple to spoonfeed .

thanks mate for the help . haha
yeah its fine.

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