Endless Paradigm

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You kinda ruined the whole thread, Andrew
ehh, I still remebered this thread I was gonna bump it on the exact day it wanted to be bumped but it seems that it was bumped a little early. I still have one more day left till that time...

moar pointless pictures!!!
bump, i win....
andrewcc Wrote:bump, i win....

no you don't.
|-Anubis-| Wrote:
andrewcc Wrote:bump, i win....

no you don't.

why not. it's 5-5-08 where i am now.
You bump this thread two days ago with this post

And thus you were too early.

And you phail.
dammit. what about everyone else?
Oh don't worry.

You ruined the thread for EVERYONE.

people posted after me. are they to share the blame?
oh and Close

Don't worry it doesn't matter.
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