Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Raining cats and dogs
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Quote:[Image: rainingcatsyw5.th.jpg]
Today was an unusual event in the small town of Bogusenbourg.  The town was hit by a downpour of "cats and dogs".

Authorities estimate a total of $6.5 million in damages in this small town.  Many roof tiles and power lines were broken due to the falling animals.  There have been no reports of any deaths, however, two boys were injured when a few cats landed on them, which fell through a tree under which, the boys were taking shelter.
Fire and rescue services were also called when a woman was trapped in her car, after the top of it caved in from several falling dogs.  She escaped without injury.

"The place stinks," the local mayor, who was leading the cleanup operation, remarked.  "The streets are filled with rotting animals, and large puddles of blood, amongst debris from other objects."  The cleanup operation is expected to last at least 8 weeks.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson from the RSPCA mentioned his disgust.  "Wee've been informed that this is an act of God.  The killing of all these animals is utterly despicable."  The RSPCA have pressed charges against God, however, the authorizes seem to be having a hard time tracking down this mysterious person.  God is due to be in court next Tuesday, charged with over two thousand counts of cruelty to an animal causing death.
[Image: PETA.jpg]
heres one that made me laugh:
[Image: 466489035_e2341a9f9e.jpg]

[Image: 03-16-06.jpg]
I lol'd
i won't see a hotdog the same ever again. . and to think I used to eat footlongS!
it was bound to happen ..........................................
[Image: lighting-and-tornado-storm-wallpaper.jpg]


[Image: cat_jesus_billboard_000w2816.jpg]

[Image: 6c8347l.jpg]
lol, nice pics
LOl, i almost believed it
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