Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Raining cats and dogs
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OK...    :/
It has rained Frogs, Fish, Jellyfish, etc before and will again. Cats and dogs are possible but would require a tornado or some such thing near by.
Yes, but frog rain IS real (unlike that twisted children's book)


The Croydon one in 1998 caused quite a stir.
z7shaft Wrote:or as I said an animal hater with an airplane or a catapult strong enough :P

[sarcasm]frog rain is real!! read the bible!![/sarcasm]

the curious thing is that they were only cats and dogs... I don't think a tornado has intelligence to pick which animals it'll drag inside :O maybe its the mafia trying to set a warning to that town!!! like saying now is the animals, next you!!!

many mafia has airplanes or catapults to throw animals, or maybe a mafia tornado will drag people

strong winds can do the job, why call the mafia???
agreed on the catapult theory, but not on the "airplanes one" = ridiculous
lol @ ZiNgA's pic - animals seemingly magic the air-stand!!!

[Image: rainingcatsyw5.jpg]

Lazy ones will even sit-on the air!

[/bad attempt at bad !NgLi$h]*

                       * Is that a double-negative?**  

                                          ** So that would make it good !NgLi$h, right?


if only it were real....

*thinking of more cruel ways of killing animals* :diablo:
tornado in a zoo is the solution to all this commotion
Lol,ahahahahaha HAAHAHA
Pages: 1 2 3
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