Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Need some help with PSP Media Center
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does any1 have the right files to use that program auris


or does any1 know how to inject the sounds into the .res file. I'm sure you could probably hex them in but im not entirely sure where :S

Thanks Mc Cabe

EDIT: by the way im on 3.71 M33
For hexing, just search for the string "VAG".  I forgot what the end marker of a VAG is, but it's a long sequence of "w"s I think...
hers mfaudio its a wav to vag
vag to wav converter

thanks squee, i have that by the way.

Yeh zinga i can find the VAG files just don't know which bits exactly to overwrite, but i have an idea....

(Mc Cabe trys something ;))
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