Endless Paradigm

Full Version: gui to disable and re-enable windows services
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here ya go


even contains some tweaks

readme in the download

this contains a 2 guis which can disable and enable every windows service

even contain some tweaks
can you do it even if you don't have admin access?
cause that's what I need.
don't they do the same thing as in administrative tools? (services.msc)
yes its the same as admin tools but simpler and it can disable services that services.msc won't let you
II need to enable messenger but it won't let me . . .Sadist
squee666 Wrote:yes its the same as admin tools but simpler and it can disable services that services.msc won't let you
The only service services.msc won't let you disable is the Remote Procedure Call, which is actually a critical service vital for Windows to work...
Hehe, always that freakin' Wincows services that I don't need.

Maybe I can delete/turn off them now...
could be useful
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