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Full Version: [MyBB] MyPlaza v0.5 (beta version)
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Mc Cabe Wrote:Hey zinga, I found if you reinstall myplaza, it does not overwrite the code in the postbit, so you see the stuff you've brought and the view inventory link, twice, just a little bug.

Awesome plugin though :D
MyBB's template system is very dodgey, and very difficult to control.
If you're constantly having template issues, I would suggest activating one of MyPlaza's hidden template switches.
In /inc/myplaza/myplaza_install.php, find:

PHP Code:

Replace the '1' with either '2' or '-1'.  Note that you must do this before you activate MyPlaza.
'2' means that templates will be created in the GLOBAL templateset, so if something stuffs up, all you have to do is delete the templates in the GLOBAL template.
'-1' is an interesting mode, it dynamically does template replacements.  This is slightly slower than statically doing it, however, it won't affect your templates at all, and really, the extra load should be unnoticeable.

Oh, and I found the Bank issue.  For some odd reason, your server isn't generating a $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] variable.  I've changed it to a time() function and it works now.
Odd, I wonder why your server doesn't generate request times...

Nice upgrade zinga, thank you :D
Zinga, with this new mybb version, there seems to be a conflict by the way functions.php and inc/plugins/myplaza.php.
The problem is the new POST check added on mybb 1.2.12.
Both files have the function.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare generate_post_check() (previously declared in functions.php:390) in forums/inc/plugins/myplaza.php on line 70
Download v0.52 - fixes the compatibility issue.
Zinga why the donate is not working ?
When i try to do so :

You do not have permission to access this page. This could be because of one of the following reasons:

   1. Your account has either been suspended or you have been eXx1l3d from accessing this resource.
   2. You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be? Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.
   3. Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation. (Resend Activation Code)

You are currently logged in with the username: 'gsmoke'
Gah, thanks for finding that gsmoke :)
Should be fixed here now.
Where can I get 0.52 zinga?
EDIT, I found the upgrade at mybb.

EDIT EDIT, Error when trying to restore a backup:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function db_drop_tables() in /www/freeweb7.com/p/e/r/perfectpredicament/htdocs/forums/admin/myplaza.php on line 2078

I think you forgot to add that function..
The function exists, it's just been shifted around.

In /admin/myplaza.php, find:

PHP Code:

Add above/before:

PHP Code:
require MYBB_ROOT.'inc/myplaza/myplaza_install.php';

That _should_ fix it.

Thanks for the bug report.

Thanks Zinga, :D

Edit, Zinga, I get this error when restoring a backup:
MySQL error: 1054
Unknown column 'myplaza_money_suffix' in 'where clause'
Query: SELECT * FROM mybb_settings WHERE name IN (myplaza_money_suffix,myplaza_money_decimals,myplaza_money_default,myplaza_global_rate_items,myplaza_stats_limit,myplaza_history_logperpage,myplaza_am_enable,myplaza_money_prefix,myplaza_money_name,myplaza_history_enable,myplaza_stats_enable,myplaza_enable,income_money_thread_viewed,income_money_reply,income_money_thread,income_money_postedit,income_max_post_len,income_money_post,income_money_postchars,income_money_postsubjchars,income_min_post_len,income_money_visit,inventory_postbit_max_items_cat,inventory_sep_postbit,income_money_attachdl,income_money_attachdluploader,inventory_postbit_max_items,bank_interest_period,bank_richest_user,inventory_allow_selling,inventory_sell_rate,inventory_allow_sending,inventory_sending_pm,inventory_page_w,inventory_page_h,inventory_view_others,inventory_categorize_items,donate_sendpms,bank_interest_rate,income_pm_ignorequotes,income_post_ignorequotes,income_global_rate_income_negate,income_global_rate_income,income_money_thread_stick,income_money_thread_open,income_money_page,income_money_attach,income_max_pm_len,income_money_pmview,income_min_pm_len,income_money_poll,income_money_pollvote,income_money_pollparticipate,income_money_reportpost,income_money_referral,income_money_referredbonus,income_money_pmsend,income_money_repchars,income_money_rateuser_base,income_money_rateuser,income_money_ratethread,income_money_ratethread_base,income_money_pmchars,income_money_pmsubjchars)
Lol, I can't find any myplaza columns in settings table.
zinga, I guess you didnt see my post.
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